This package is very similar to the system that we ran in our very own 4th Gen 4Runner at the beginning. By utilizing a longer 36" drawer we gain storage that is easily accessible and leaves plenty of room on top for your personal gear. Things like sleeping bags, pillows and food.
Now with Fitted Top Plate you are gaining one extra storage locatable access hatch that can be used to store extra gear. With the ability to store gear on top of the CampKitchen you can keep your entire pantry on top of the CampKitchen. Adding the Second Row Seat Delete Plate System that is module height now allows you to have the ability's to sleep in the back of your 4Runner.
The package includes the:
Are you looking to get your truck ready for your summer trips and outdoor adventures? Purchase a new topper during March 2025 and get a FREE Heksa Plus Cabinetry System.